One of the tips outlined in this blog is to always carry a notebook with you. In a similar vein, it is important, as a writer to always write your thoughts or opinions somewhere, whatever form they may be: a drawing, newspaper clippings, an abstract idea, whatever. You need to keep a journal. It's going to be a goldmine later.
Some authors have many different journals: one for one or two-liners that they can use later, one for passages from books they have read that they can cite in a later work, another for pictures that inspires them and so on. The idea is that no good idea gets wasted. They are put down somewhere to be retrieved later.
A journal can take any form. They can be just a scrapbook type thing, or it may resemble a scratch paper from your math subjects, or a diary. It doesn't matter. You choose, you are the author.
Again, just keep a journal and make it in a way that is customized for you, so you won't find it a chore when writing in them. Keep it updated. Later after a few years, you can find gold nugget ideas from them when writing.
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