Friday, March 18, 2011

Let's Write a Short Story 2

Continued from here

(by the way, if you want to contribute in this story - how to proceed, etc. don't hesitate to comment!)

Okay, where were we?

James woke up to the sound of an oncoming train.


"Shoot. What time is it?" he muttered. He looked at his watch, 7:30 AM. He stood up and felt his chest then held his breath. The item is gone.

He looked under benches to see if it fell. It wasn't there. It was certain somebody took it while he was sleeping.

Now what? What is that object anyway? I still have no idea, folks!

A train was getting ready to leave. James glanced at a man entering the train who seemed eerily familiar, although he never saw him in his life. In one brief moment, the man glanced back at him, offered an evil smirk and held up a box. James's box.

Jolted, James ran after the man but the train doors closed. Angered, James kicked a bench and ran outside the train station.

That's it for now!

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