Friday, March 25, 2011

Can Imagination be Exhausted?

This was my thought I as I was riding on my way to the office. Can we our imaginations really hit the limit? Will there come a time when we can’t think of new story plots or models anymore? In other words,can we actually run out of ideas?

When I say "run out of ideas," I don't merely mean being too exhausted to think of fresh new topics. I mean running out of ideas like running out of sugar, or cheese. I'm talking about a time when you're relaxed and refreshed, and then you hit upon an idea and say "Nope, I've done that before."

I'm talking about a larger scale, not as an individual person. The world is too diverse for one person to run out of ideas, isn't it? But collectively, as a people, could we ever run out of them?

If the word lists every single idea they ever had and will have in the future and record them on some sort of a database, would it be possible for a time to come when all ideas and every single permutations of each have already been recorded? Meaning that every idea to come from that certain point can be found in that database?

It could be. It's possible. The mind is finite after all. What would happen then? Would we simply remake and remodel ideas just like Hollywood "re-imagines" or "reboots" movies?


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